   OnLine Example


1. Update a project that use MsgBox for a project with BalloonDialog.


1. Update a project that use MsgBox for a project with BalloonDialog.

This example use a public function that get all the MsgBox arguments and add some extra data to call the MsgBalloon method.

VB5, VB6

  1. Insert in the main form (Form1) the Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 and the BalloonDialog control.
  2. Add this code in a Module.
  3. Option Explicit

    ' Global variables declaration.
    Global Genie As IAgentCtlCharacterEx
    Global Balloon As BalloonDialog.Balloon

    ' This function get all the MsgBox arguments and add some data
    ' to call the MsgBalloon method.
    ' Return the MsgBalloonResult (or vbMsgBoxResult).

    Public Function Message(Prompt As String, _
    Optional Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
    Optional Title As String, _
    Optional HelpFile As String, _
    Optional Context As Integer) As MsgBalloonResult

       ' Show the character if it is not visible.
       If Genie.Visible = False Then Genie.Show

       ' This use Map to speak without the common balloon.
       ' Chr(34) = ". ("\Map=""Hello world!""=""\").

       Genie.Speak "\Map=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & Prompt & _
          Chr(34) & Chr(34) & _
          "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "\"

       ' Add the object character and call the MsgBalloon method.
       Message = Balloon.MsgBalloon(Prompt, Buttons, Title, Genie)

    End Function

  4. Add this code in the Form1.
  5. Private Sub Form_Load()

       ' Load and show the character.
       Agent1.Characters.Load "Genie", "genie.acs"
       Set Genie = Agent1.Characters("Genie")

       Set Balloon = Balloon1

    End Sub

  6. Now, you can use Ctrl+H to replace all the MsgBox function for the new Message function.

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